October 27, 2021
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Halloween School Guidance 2021: Each class will celebrate and enjoy Halloween safely on Friday, Oct 29th. We want this day to be as fun and safe as possible, so we have made several guidelines to follow:
Halloween Parade Only if Weather Permits: There will be an outside Halloween Parade on Friday, October 29th at 9:00 a.m. for PreK-2nd grade if weather permits. If it is raining in the morning, we will have the parade at 1:00 p.m. on the same day. If it is raining at 1:00, the parade will be cancelled. The younger children in the parade will exit the school through the main entrance of the school and process around the school. Parents are invited to stand in front of the school or along Carmen Avenue to view the children in their costumes. The remaining students in grades 3-8 will line the school parking lot as younger children process to the kindergarten entrance and return to their classrooms. All safety measures will be in place for this day. We want the children to have fun and enjoy the season of Halloween, while maintaining structure and safety for all students and staff.
Student Absences: Please continue to report student absences to the school office along with symptoms by 9:00 a.m. each morning. All symptomatic individuals must remain home, regardless of vaccination status. Families are obligated to report Covid-19 diagnoses and/or close contact cases in your household to the school office. If symptoms last longer than 24 hours, an individual must receive a negative covid test or alternative medical diagnosis from your doctor prior to returning to school. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Coming Soon!
Reminders -
*All Pumpkins for the Family Pumpkin Challenge are displayed in the Main Entrance and are due today in the school! Please plan on picking up your pumpkin to bring home on Friday, August 29th at the end of the day.
*Chocolate Sale Money Due: Please send all World’s Finest Chocolate Sale money to the office as soon as possible so we can finalize the amount raised. Thank you for your participation in this fundraiser!
*Christmas Tree/Wreath Sale link: https://go.
*MenuFSPNovember: MenuFSPNovember.pdf
*November Calendar: CalendarNovember2021.pdf
Ray Coleman, Principal
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