Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Soccer & Cross Country Fall Registration Open: Please complete one of the attached forms with payment if your child(ren) is interested in registering for Soccer grades 5 – 8 or Cross Country grades 4-8 in the Fall. We are looking forward to starting up our sports program again!
Cross Country 2021 REGISTRATIONMay19th2021.pdf
Gym Uniform Pre-order due June 10th for 2021-2022: Please place your orders for your projected gym uniform needs prior to the end of the school year. These orders will be available for pick up on Family Pick Up Day, Saturday August 14th 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. It is important that we receive pre-orders by June 10th so we can have them ready in August at Family Pick Up Day. GymUniformsOrderForm2021-
Queen of Hearts: Jackpot is over $53,000 for the Queen of Hearts Raffle. The Drawing is 8:00 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday. Tickets are $5.00 Cash Only. Please return cash and complete the information on the attached order form below. Mrs. Reykjalin, will fill out your ticket stub. She will keep the completed ticket stub to drop in the raffle barrel. The other half of the ticket will be sent home. Masks & Social Distancing are required at Dino’s for the Queen of Hearts Drawing. QueenofHeartsDrawingOrderFormD
Absences: Please continue to report any absences to the school office at 773-631-7880 and fill out the following Google Form each morning when your child is sick. If we do not receive a call from you by 9:00 a.m., we will call you. Please keep your child home and let me know if he or she is sick or experiencing any Covid symptoms.
Dine Out Night at Cucina 3 Tonight: DineoutCUCINAMay2021.pdf
Ray Coleman, Principal
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