Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
I hope this message finds you all well.
I want to inform you that our community will be participating in the 5Essentials Survey. The surveys opened on February 12th and will remain open until March 22nd. You may have already started to receive emails regarding the surveys because three major groups of stakeholders are asked to provide information: parents, faculty and staff, and students.
The 5Essentials gathers data related to five indicators that can predict important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. The five indicators that affect and predict school success are: effective leaders, collaborative teachers, involved families, supportive environments, and ambitious instruction. Prior research has shown that schools that were strong on least three of these “5Essential” indicators were 10 times more likely to improve student learning gains in math and reading, than those that were weak on three or more of the Essentials.
All of our teachers and students in grades 4-8 will be asked to respond to this survey. However, it is important to note that parents have a right to opt their child out of the survey. Teachers will be sending home non-consent forms, which you only have to fill out if you do not want your student to participate. Otherwise, participation is implied. It is important to note that 5Essentials Reports will only be generated for schools if teachers and students meet the response rate threshold of 50%. I have emphasized to teachers how important it is for them to complete the survey. It is very important for students to complete these as well. So, I ask that you please consider allowing them to take the survey. This data will only improve our school.
Additionally, we are utilizing and participating in the Parent Survey as well. If at least 20% of St. Monica Academy parents complete this survey, a report will be generated. I ask that you consider doing this as well. I think your information, and the data received from you, will be absolutely essential. As stated, you may have already started receiving emails from the Archdiocese regarding these. Please access the Parent Survey through the link below. All surveys completed by parents, students, and faculty and staff are completely anonymous.
To recap: the 5Essentials Survey is now available to parents, faculty and staff, and students in grades 4-8. Information collected from this survey will be made available to school leadership and Office of Catholic School leadership, and will enable us to make considerations and decisions based on the response given by St. Monica Academy parents, students, and parents. Students will take their surveys in school, but parents can choose to opt them out if they return the non-consent form to teachers. The threshold goals for teachers and students are 50%. The threshold goal for parents is 20%. I hope we eclipse all three.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
2024-2025 School Year
Other School News
As always, visit the St. Monica Academy website to sign up for volunteer opportunities and to read about the importance of our fundraising efforts.
Go Mustangs!
St. Monica, Pray for Us!
In His Name,
Wayne Wenzel, Jr.