June 1, 2022
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
SMA Class of 2022: Today, we celebrated our soon-to-be-graduates by sending them off with many cheers. Check out our Facebook page to view the send-off. The Class of 2022 will have their Graduation Dance this evening. The Graduation Mass and ceremony will take place on Friday, June 3rd at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. We wish the Class of 2022 all the best in life as they embark on a new journey in high school and beyond! God Bless you all!
School Uniform Donation: The end of your school year is just about here. If you are not planning on handing down uniforms to a sibling or other family member, please consider handing them down to another St. Monica Academy student. There will be a blue collection bin outside of the office for your donated uniforms. Thank you in advance for helping another SMA family! IF YOU ARE INTERESETED IN RECEIVING USED UNIFORMS (PENDING AVAILABILITY) SET ASIDE FOR YOU TO PICK UP ON FAMILY PICKUP DAY ON AUGUST 13TH, PLEASE TEXT YOUR REQUEST TO (773) 919-9906.
Summer Gardening Sign Up: Please sign up here for Summer Gardening. We need your help to water and weed our gardens. We are looking for SMA families to help keep our gardens growing this Summer. Please fill out the form by clicking the link to sign up by June 1st to let us know when you are best able to help. We will create a schedule for the summer. Once our availabilities are collected, we will assign each family a week to assist with the weeding and watering to help keep SMA beautiful over Summer Break. Thank you for your continued support of our school, our community and our SEEDS program! Sign Up Here.
Queen of Hearts Drawing #63 at Dino’s 8:00 p.m. on Thursday Nights. The Jackpot has reached $134,200!! Please complete this order form if you want to enter to win. Make sure you get your tickets here! QOHSchoolOrderFormDrawing63 5.26.2022.pdf
Summer Office Hours
Coming Soon
-Wed. June 1 8th Grade Graduation Dance 6:00-9:00 p.m. Beyenka Hall (Tonight!)
-Thur. June 2 Volunteer Appreciation Day – Refreshments Served 7:45 am – 9:15 am
-Fri. June 3 8th Grade Graduation Mass & Ceremony 7:00 p.m. in the Church
-Mon. June 6 PreKpalooza Celebration for all Preschoolers (10am-1pm) Beyenka Hall
-Tues. June 7 Kindergarten Graduation 9:00 a.m. in the Gym. Refreshment to follow.
-Wed. June 8 Field Day for Grades 1-4 on the Play Lot
-Thur. June 9 Awards Ceremonies: 9:30 a.m. 1st -4th Grade in Beyenka Hall
1:30 5th – 7th Grade in Beyenka Hall
-Fri. June 10 All-School Mass 8:30 a.m. Last Day of School!
-Mon. June 20 Kona Ice for Mollystrong Day: 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. in Front of School
Ray Coleman, Principal
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