December 8, 2021
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
21st Annual SMA Science Fair: We are very proud of the 45 seventh and eighth grade students, who participated in the 21st Annual St. Monica Academy Science Fair last Thursday. They all worked very hard over the last three months under the direction of Mrs. Karen Ronchi, our middle school science teacher. Our students researched their topics, applied the scientific method by developing and performing experiments, analyzed data, created presentation boards, and gave oral presentations to guest judges. Congratulations go out to the following students, who will be advancing to the IJAS Region 2 Science Fair Paper and/or Poster Sessions in February/March 2022:
7th Grade: Micayla Frawley, Veronika Kozan, Giovanna Lee
8th Grade: Dylan Cooney, Giovanni Di Pinto, Claudia Laera, Anna Quaranta, Aaron Serrano
SMA Christmas Program: The St. Monica Academy Christmas program is scheduled for Wednesday, December 15th in the Church. The students will be performing at 10:00 a.m. for families with students in Preschool to 2nd Grade. A second session at 1:30 p.m. will be held for families with students in Grades 3-8. There is no evening session. If you have children in both upper and lower grades, you can choose to come to either session. The program this year is “The Christmas Story” and will be led by our 1st grade narrators and costumed actors. All grades will be singing beautiful Christmas songs throughout the program. Students are reminded to wear their Christmas best clothes (red and green colors) to school on December 15th. It is a Dress Up Day! We are looking forward to celebrating “The Christmas Story” with you!
Call in Student Absences: Please call in student absences to the school office along with symptoms by 9:00 a.m. each morning. If you email your teacher, you will still need to call in the absence since our school office processes all absences. All symptomatic individuals must remain home, regardless of vaccination status. Families are obligated to report Covid-19 diagnoses and/or close contact cases in your household to the school office. If symptoms last longer than 24 hours, an individual must receive a negative covid test or alternative medical diagnosis from your doctor prior to returning to school. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Coming Soon!
-Christmas Spirit Week Schedule December 13-17 - ChristmasSpiritWeek.pdf
-Raising Cane’s Dine Out Night – CanesDineOutDec2021.pdf
-Asbestos Letter- AsbestosLetter2021F.pdf
-January Menu Food Service - JanuaryMenuFSP.pdf
Ray Coleman, Principal
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