February 9, 2022
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Masking Update: You may have received information from the Archdiocese of Chicago late last night that the masking requirement will remain in the City of Chicago. Masks will still be required because the Chicago health department has issued lawful orders that require them. We are complying with those orders and will lift the mask mandate when we can.
Re-registration for the 2022-2023 school year are due. All families can take advantage of an early pay discount on the family registration fee by returning the Tuition Agreement and Re-registration forms by March 16th. The Registration Fee increases from $100 to $200 after Monday March 16th.
Coming Soon!
-Friday, February 11th No School – Teacher Professional Day
-Saturday, February 12th First Reconciliation 9:00 a.m. – 2nd Grade
-Sunday, February 13th Family Mass 9:00 a.m. (sponsored by 3rd grade class)
-Monday, February 14th Dress Down for Valentine’s Day – Dress in Red, Pink, White –
Ray Coleman, Principal
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