We are also very pleased to share the results of the 2021 IJAS Region 2 Science Exposition Paper and/or Poster Sessions held virtually during the past couple of weeks. All of our 7th and 8th graders worked so hard on their projects and papers. Here are the results:
Regional Awards:
Special Awards:
Regional Awards:
Great job to all of our students! We also want to express our thanks to Ms. Alex Calcagno, Mr. Marc Colavitti, Mr. Bob Hilger, Mrs. Susan Hilger, Mrs. Nicole Petracco, Mr. Joe Ronchi, and Mrs. Karen Ronchi, who helped to make the Region 2 virtual science fair possible by serving as Safety, Paper Session, and Poster Session judges from St. Monica Academy.
Pictured below, the students wearing the medallions will be represeting St. Monica Academy in the Illinois State Science Fair later this month.