November 23, 2021
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
The week of Thanksgiving traditionally signifies a time for everyone to take a break, spend time with loved ones, and to be thankful for all of our gifts. Since late August, you have helped us persevere in amazing ways to do everything necessary to make possible a second successful year of in-person learning during a pandemic. Thank you students, families, and volunteers for stepping up in a big way to support our dedicated teachers and staff, so we can provide the best Catholic education to you.
I am thankful for all of you and for all that has occurred for a second year with all the challenges that we have had to overcome. Everyone has shown strength and endurance each day. I also want to make sure everyone is okay. We know that the effects of the pandemic have affected us mentally in varying degrees, and we want to be that support network for our families if there are any concerns regarding social-emotional development of your children as a result of the last 20 months of this pandemic. If there are concerns you may have, please contact me as we can provide resources/information that may help you and your family. It is okay to struggle, especially during a time where mental health issues are on the rise in our society. All of us have struggled at times. We all can continue to respond to challenges with resilience, especially when support and care is available to us.
As you know, Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on our lives, the people we love, and to realize how thankful we are for all that we have. We have accomplished a lot so far this school year, but we all want more. I think we all yearn for a future with a renewed sense of hope, peace, and love that is centered in our faith.
As we move through the last weeks of 2021, it is an opportune time to reclaim our faith and prioritize it. We can start by taking time to attend Sunday Mass, pray, and reflect on the importance of our faith and the blessings around us. We may or may not realize how blessed we are. But sometimes, God’s grace and presence is more evident to us during these tough times. As we celebrate Thanksgiving and prepare for the Advent Season, we can count all of our blessings. Take time to embrace your relationship with God and your family as these are the cornerstones of our lives.
Thank you for your strength, your patience, and your commitment to our Catholic school. It is a most special place, and you will always be appreciated!
I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving!
Ray Coleman, Prinicpal
Coming Soon!
Tues. Nov. 23 Parent-Teacher Conferences 12:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
Wed. Nov. 24 NO SCHOOL
Thur. Nov. 25 Happy Thanksgiving!
Fri. Nov 26 NO SCHOOL
Sun. Nov 28 First Sunday of Advent
Mon. Nov. 29 Classes Resume
Reminders and Attachments:
*Travel Restriction Policy: Travel to an orange state requires a 10 day quarantine, or the individual may test negative and not quarantine.
*Jolly Molly Christmas Fundraiser: JollyMollyChristmasFundraiser
*Christmas Tree and Wreath Sale: ChristmasTreeWreathSaleF
*December Calendar: DecemberCalendar2021.pdf
*Girl Scouts Brownies to Help the Needy: GirlScoutsBrowniesHelpHomeless
*Lou Malnati’s Carry Out/Dine Out: LouMalnatisDineOutDec202
*Blood Drive: BloodDriveforMollyNov2
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