Congratulations to Ellie Rademaker in 6th grade! Her haiku won #1 School Award, $10 Prize and was one of the poems selected for reading at the event. The Haiku Festival’s 15th Annual Awards Program was held last weekend at Harold Washington. Good Job Ellie!
Announcing Our New School Website Design: Check it out here: The St. Monica Parish website is also updated at
At the NCEA National Education Catholic Conference last week, more than $2,200 worth of furniture was donated and distributed to thirteen St. Monica Academy classrooms by Virco Inc., a Greenguard certified company based in California. The furniture is active/flexible seating and is designed this way because sometimes kids (teachers) need to move and stand. Thank you Virco!!
Order Classroom Supply Kits through Edukit by clicking this link Classroom Supply List Ordering or log on to and enter “St. Monica Academy”.
Uniform Donations/Exchange: The end of your school year is just about here. What are you going to do with all of those school uniforms? If you aren’t planning on handing down uniforms to a sibling or other family member, please consider handing them down to another St. Monica Academy student. During these last weeks of school, Susan De La Cruz will have a collection bin outside the office for your donated uniforms. Thank you in advance for helping out another SMA family!
Coming Soon
Thursday, May 2nd - Walk to School Day is canceled due to the forecast for morning rain. We will still have a dress down day in green on this day. Jeans are okay.
Saturday, May 4th First Communion Mass at 10:00 for 2nd grade.
Saturday, May 3rd & 4th Science Fair State Competition at Southern Illinois University.
Monday, May 6th Student Council Campaign Week Begins
Thursday. May 6th-10th Teacher Appreciation Week. (Luncheon May 9th 11:30-12:30)