September 8, 2021
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Picture Day is this Friday, September 10th. This is a pre-pay picture program through Van Gogh School Photographers. In order to receive a picture package, payment must be made prior to or on picture day by phone or online. Forms were sent home last week.
Absences: Please continue to report student absences to the school office along with symptoms. All symptomatic individuals must remain home, regardless of vaccination status. Families are obligated to report Covid-19 diagnoses, or close contact cases, to the school office. If anyone in your household is Covid positive, please email me or call the school to report any cases. If symptoms last longer than 24 hours, an individual must receive a negative COVID-19 test or alternative medical diagnosis prior to returning to school. Any individual who tests positive for Covid-19 must isolate for 10 days from the date symptoms first appeared or the date of a positive test result. Please contact me if you have any questions
Coming Soon
Ray Coleman, Principal
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