March 2, 2022
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Lent Begins: The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. We fast in order to empty ourselves of all that is not essential. We pray so we can be fill ourselves with the presence of God. We give alms so we can give to those in need. During Lent, it is a tradition to give something up. So we challenge all of our SMA students and families to give something up during Lent. It could be something worldly like certain foods, TV, non-essential time on your phone and computer. It could be anything that prevents us from getting closer to God. I hope you will consider something manageable to give up during this most Holy time.
Boosterthon Fun Run: This year’s main event is the Fun Run! During the program, families will gather donations for every LAP your student RUN (35 cap) on the St. Monica Fun Run Day, which will happen on April 7th. Students will also experience an amazing character theme called SPORTS CITY WORLDWIDE! Check out the Fun Run Video here:
Donations will go towards the school and can be given throughout the entire experience. There is no pressure to give, but we invite you to help our school by getting donations from family and friends and entering them on MYBOOSTER.COM.
Key Boosterthon Dates to Remember:
Re-registration for the 2022-2023 school year are due. All families can take advantage of an early pay discount of $100 on the family registration fee by returning the tuition agreement and re-registration forms by March 16th. If you need the forms, please let me know and we can send copies. The Registration Fee increases from $100 to $200 after Wednesday, March 16th.
Important Survey Reminder: The 5Essentials School Survey will be conducted until mid-March. To take the survey, please visit https://survey.5-essentials.or
SMA Yard Signs Arrived- Please stop by the office for a St. Monica Academy Yard Sign if interested in placing one in your yard now that the ground is starting to thaw.
All Sports Team Registrations Are Due Now. See below to complete and return ASAP.
Coming Soon!
-Wednesday, Mar. 2 Ash Wednesday – Lent Begins Today
-Saturday, Mar. 5 IJAS Science Fair Paper Session – 7th & 8th Grade
-Saturday, Mar. 12 IJAS Science Fair Project Session – 7th & 8th Grade
-Sunday, Mar. 13 Family Mass 9:00 a.m. 4th Grade sponsored
-Sunday, Mar. 13th Northwest Side Irish Parade 12:00 p.m. starts at Onahan School
Ray Coleman, Principal
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