Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Molly Morris is Coming Home Today! All of us are ecstatic that Molly is coming home today. You have all been amazing in your support of Molly and her family. She definitely feels the love that you have sent to her since early May. Keep the prayers coming!
Registrations for 2021-2022. Please make sure you have sent in your registration for 2021-2022 school year. Classroom space is filling up and enrollment is up! If know any families looking for a school, please tell them about our wonderful school and to call me a tour. We would love to tell them about all the wonderful things we have to offer at St. Monica Academy. The school office is open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.– 1 p.m. during the month of June.
Donate Used Uniforms: The end of your school year is just about here. What are you going to do with all of those school uniforms? If you aren’t planning on handing down uniforms to a sibling or other family member, I hope you’ll consider handing it down to another St. Monica Academy student. The blue collection bin is outside the office for your donated uniforms. Thank you in advance for helping another SMA family! If you would like used uniforms set aside for you to pick up on Family Pick Up Day in August, please email your request to Susan De La Cruz at [email protected]
School Uniforms Will Return in 2021-2022: School uniforms will return next school year, and formal uniforms will be worn on non-gym days for grades 1-8. Dennis Uniform is our uniform provider, and they are located at 7055 West Higgins Ave. Chicago, IL, which is a few blocks north of our school. DennisUniformJunePromoFlyerJun
Gym Uniform Pre-order due June 10th for 2021-2022: Please place your orders for your projected gym uniform needs prior to the end of the school year. These orders will be available for pick up on Family Pick Up Day, Saturday August 14th 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. It is important that we receive pre-orders by June 10th so we can have them ready in August at Family Pick Up Day. GymUniformsOrderForm2021-
Medications: Please pick up any medications, Epipens, and inhalers in the office after the last day of school. Any medications left at school during the summer will be discarded.
i-Ready Scores: We are sending home i-ready scores with 4th quarter report cards.
Queen of Hearts Raffle: Jackpot is over $59,000. The Drawing is 8:00 p.m. tomorrow, Thursday. Tickets are $5.00 Cash Only. Please return cash and complete the information on the attached order form below. Mrs. Reykjalin, will fill out your ticket stub. She will keep the completed ticket stub to drop in the raffle barrel. The other half of the ticket will be sent home. Masks & Social Distancing are required at Dino’s for the Queen of Hearts Drawing. QOHSchoolOrderFormDrawing27Jun
Prayers: This Sunday, there will be a Rosary said in honor of Molly Morris by the Statue of Mary in the church parking lot at 3:00 p.m. Feel free to bring a lawn chair and join the Rosary group.
Summer Office Hours
Tomorrow is our last day of school for grades 1-7. Thank you all for a wonderful year. Have a Great Summer!
Ray Coleman, Principal
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