Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Gym Uniform Pre-order for 2021-2022: Please place your orders for your projected gym uniform needs prior to the end of the school year. These orders will be available for pick up on Family Pick Up Day, Saturday August 14th 10:00 a.m. -1:00 p.m. It is important that we receive pre-orders so we can have them ready in August. Thank you!
Self-Defense in Gym Class: In Mr. Drexler’s P.E class, we will have a 3 week unit on self-defense for grades 1-8 starting next week. Here is some information on the unit. The StandStrong self-defense system was created by Lior Ofir, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelt and multiple time world champion. Lior, a KravMaga expert and former Israeli Navy SEAL, spent years competing and teaching thousands of people all around the world. After consulting with some of the best experts in the martial arts industry, he created a curriculum based on the disciplines of KravMaga and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Gathering the most practical and highly effective techniques to provide his students with a toolbox of skills to help keep themselves safe.
In a unique way, the main objective is to teach practical tools to help people defend themselves and get home safe regardless of their age, size, or physical abilities. The program focuses on the most common and problematic situations you might face and provide the right skills for you. Students will not be taught how to fight nor become black belts, but on how to stay calm, in control and disengage from potentially dangerous scenarios. All skills will employ social distancing and students will be working individually and not with partners.
Absences: Please continue to report any absences to the school office at 773-631-7880 and fill out the following Google Form each morning when your child is sick. If we do not receive a call from you by 9:00 a.m., we will call you. Please keep your child home and let me know if he or she is sick or experiencing any Covid-like symptoms. Remember to "Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, and Keep Your Distance".
Coming Soon!
Queen of Hearts Raffle Drawing at Dino’s 8:00 p.m.Masks & Social Distancing are required at Dino’s for the Queen of Hearts Drawing. QOHSchoolOrderFormDrawing 21.pdf
Spring Picture Make-Up Day for 3rd and 6th grade. SpringPictureMakeupsApril29th2
Teacher Professional Day- NO SCHOOL
Baby Chicks are due to hatch in Preschool and Kindergarten!
4th Quarter Progress Reports for those in need (grades 4-8)
Dine-Out Night at Savory Crust: Delicious Empanadas!
Teacher Appreciation Lunch Delivery for our amazing teachers!
Ray Coleman, Principal
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