Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Confirmation Mass: Our 8th grade Confirmandi are excited about receiving the Holy Spirit and becoming full members of the Catholic Church in two days! The Confirmation Mass is schedule for Friday at 7:00 p.m. in the St. Monica Church. Congratulation to all!
Absences: Please continue to report any absences to the school office at 773-631-7880 and fill out the following Google Form each morning when your child is sick. If we do not receive a call from you by 9:00 a.m., we will call you. Please keep your child home and let me know if he or she is sick or experiencing any Covid-like symptoms. Remember to "Wear a Mask, Wash Your Hands, and Keep Your Distance".
Covid-19 Vaccines Available: If you are in need a Covid-19 vaccination shot, please contact Jackie Guzzetta at the Wellness Home in Edison Park to schedule an appointment at 773-592-5706. They have a good supply of the Moderna vaccine. Please pass along this information to any family members, friends, parishioners, etc. Here is the information and location to receive a Moderna Vaccine at Wellness Home of Edison Park in Chicago, 7214 W. Touhy Chicago, IL 60631 Ph. 773-592-5706.
School Lost & Found: Please label all belongings, jackets, sweatshirts, water bottles etc. We have a growing “lost and found” that is getting full. If you are missing anything, please make sure you check our “lost and found: in the school office.
Queen of Hearts Raffle Flyer: QoHRaffleSchoolFlyerApril21st2
Queen of Hearts Raffle Order Form: QOHSchoolOrderFormApril21st202
Dine Out Night – North Branch Fried Chicken DineOutFlyerNorthBranchFriedCh
Coming Soon!
-Wednesday, April 21 Dine Out Night – North Branch Fried Chicken
-Thursday, April 22 Earth Day!
Queen of Hearts Raffle Drawing at Dino’s 8:00 p.m.
Masks & Social Distancing are required at Dino’s for the Queen of Hearts Drawing.
-Friday, April 23 Confirmation Mass 7:00 p.m. (8th Grade)
-Tuesday, April 27 Faculty Meeting 3:00 p.m.
-Wednesday, April 28 School Board 7:00 p.m.
-Thursday, April 29 Spring Picture Make-Up Day
-Friday, April 30 Teacher Professional Day- NO SCHOOL
Ray Coleman, Principal
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