February 5. 2023
Dear St. Monica Academy Families,
Catholic Schools Week is always a highlight of all that is best in our schools! We see the creativity and hard work of our teachers and students through the special projects and activities our students share. We live our Gospel values as we collect coats for those in need. Our SMA spirit shines through during the student-faculty volleyball game. Our wonderful parents show their support and love for our students through Fun Love. And our hallways and classrooms are filled with joy as our students participate in special activities like decades day and career day. Because our community lives our mission and pulls together for our children and teachers we overflow with pride, joy and hope.
We unofficially kicked off Catholic Schools Week last week at the Chicago Wolves Game. It as great to see so many of our SMA families come out!
First Reconciliation for our second-grade students will take place on Saturday, February 18th at 9:00 am in the church. If you are not able to participate on the 18th please contact Ms. Sharon Kells to arrange for an individual time for your child.
The First Holy Communion Retreat will take place on Saturday March 4th from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm
Join us this Friday, February 10th in Beyenka Hall for Movie Night! See the flyer below for details.
Our SMA Mini Mustangs parent-tot playgroup starts February 7th and we are excited to welcome all our new Mustangs! It is a great opportunity for parents and children to socialize and make new friends. We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 am-10:30 am. Come to the front door of the school and we will be happy to get you started!
Mini Mustangs Registration Form
Peace and Blessings,
Nancy Zver, Principal
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