Dear St. Monica Families,
While we have many safety measures in place to protect us all, these measures are only as effective as we allow them to be.The St. Monica Academy Community is a collective group of parents, students, and teachers. In order for all of us to lessen our exposure to COVID-19, we must all do our part to strictly follow guidelines, especially by following the 6 feet social distancing rule at arrival time and throughout the day. Although the vast majority of our school community is following important safety measures, we need better. We need everyone to comply. We need to improve to reduce risk to the lowest possible levels. Arrival times are the most challenging for us when students are being dropped off and waiting to enter the building. Usually most families arrive around 8:10 a.m. and wait until 8:15 a.m. to enter the school. This is a critical time. The reality is that we need to space out at all times and wear a mask on school grounds during busy times, or risk moving to full e-learning.
I am asking that everyone strictly follow the 6 ft minimum distance between others and wear a mask during these busy time with many people around. Parents, please model this behavior and wear a mask fully covering the nose and mouth (not moved below the chin) when stepping onto school grounds, our students are watching. This will help tremendously. We are at a critical stage, if some of us decide to be lax with the social distancing requirement without a mask. We may not be able to keep our school open for in-person learning. This would be disappointing for us all. We need to do this together at the highest level, and ensure that all of us are reminding each other and modeling social distancing and mask wearing. Again, if we want to continue in-person learning and keep everyone as safe as possible, we need everyone to fully participate in the safety protocols. We need to do this together and continue it throughout the school day. I know we can do this and keep things going. Thank you all for your cooperation and support!
Keep In-Person Learning Possible.
Be a Role Model, Wear you Mask & Social Distance Yourself All of the Time!
For further information please see the SMA Community Health Practices Document.
Ray Coleman, Principal
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